Art of the 8 Limbs
The Art of the 8 Limbs is a subset of the Art of Personal Safety’s Coaching Program.
The Art of the 8 Limbs is Southeast Asia’s traditional unarmed combative arts system that utilizes punches, elbows, knees, and shins (8 limbs). This stand-up combative fighting system is very effective and is considered to be one of the most brutal, stand-up, combative fighting systems in the world where fighters use powerful strikes with their hands, elbows, knees, and shins.
The Art of the 8 Limbs consists of Muay Lao from Laos, Muay Thai from Thailand, Pradal Serey from Cambodia, and Tomoi from Malaysia. They all incorporate the same powerful strikes with their punches, elbows, knees, and shins.
Lethwei is another unarmed, brutal, stand-up combative arts system from Myanmar (aka: Burma), that also incorporates the same powerful strikes with punches, elbows, knees, and shins. Unlike the others, Lethwei comes with one extra limb. Lethwei utilizes the head as the extra limb. The headbutt is used as a weapon to strike their opponents with brutal force. Lethwei is known as the “Art of 9 Limbs” because they incorporate the headbutt.
In the late-20th to 21st century, Muay Thai (a.k.a. “Thai Boxing”) became widespread internationally when Westernized practitioners from Thailand began competing in kickboxing and mixed-rules matches as well as matches under Muay Thai rules around the world. Muay Thai has become the National Sport of Thailand.
The Art of the 8 Limbs (A8L) is a Functional Fitness Training Program that will introduce the participants to the training of a traditional unarmed combative arts system that uses powerful strikes with the hands, elbows, knees, and shins. The Art of the 8 Limbs is considered to be one of the most effective, brutal, stand-up combative fighting systems in the world. Participants of the Art of the 8 Limbs are incredibly disciplined and committed to their physical and athletic development.
“It is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.”
The Art of the 8 Limbs (A8L) is a Functional Fitness Training Program for participants who are interested in learning Muay Lao, Southeast Asia’s combative arts fighting system. The program is not about training the participants on how to fight in a competition but rather used as a tool to achieve the core values of honor, integrity, respect, and trust with the overall goal of physical health and well-being. In the Art of the 8 Limbs, participants will be learning the basic fundamentals of combative art in a controlled environment. These basic fundamentals will include punches, elbows, knees, shins, clinching, and headbutting.
As participants advance, they will progress into striking, utilizing their 8 limbs, and continue with bag boxing, shadow boxing & movements, bag clinching, pad workouts, partner workout techniques, and more.
One of the main reasons is to get our younger generations to be more active mentally and physically rather than allowing themselves to get sucked into the world-wide-web of “social media & gaming.” And that it’s okay to come out and be physically active in their lives once in a while. “Everything with moderation will create balance.” So, it is with hopeful expectations that they will allow us to guide them to see their wonderful world that is “real.” A world that cannot be manipulated within a screen, and that life outside the web can be fun and exciting if they choose to physically and actively participate in it.
The Art of the 8 Limbs Functional Fitness Training will distill balance, focus, discipline, patience, perseverance, and most importantly confidence. It is hardcore, intense, effective, and is a very fun roadmap in developing physical “functional” fitness to self-defense. The Art of the 8 Limbs is a total body fitness & conditioning utilizing the unarmed combative arts system that has been considered to be one of the most effective, brutal, stand-up combative fighting systems in the world as the training platform.
“You DO NOT have to be the best, as long as you DO your best.”
The Art of the 8 Limbs is a stepping stone into the Art of Personal Safety, which takes a holistic approach to mental, emotional, and physical health & well-being. The Art of Personal Safety is for participants who (when ready), want to journey deeper into the arts with the hopes of achieving the overall goal of “personal” self-control through mental, emotional, and physical alignment.